"The Safe Space!"

On the way to "awakening" and "enlightenment", you may need help and guidance.

In "The Safe Space" you will be able to find the security you will need when you begin to open up inward within yourself. To "seeing" oneself will be one of the most challenging things a human being will ever experience.

In a way, I can be a "tool" you can use to open up inward within yourself, and to really be able to see yourself... to look beyond what is on the surface.

The conversation can be done via personal attendance or telephone-meeting (Messenger eller WhatsApp)

The price is NOK 1200 

payment can be made here.

I can be contacted here.

Sit and listen to yourselves! 
Instead of having this barrier between you and your true self ... sit and listen. And in that precious moment when the mind is not trying to structure things and create expectations and goals, in that moment man and Soul become one.