The Fogginess!


The face aches and the head aches. It comes and goes in waves. And a severe cold that has lasted for several days. Oddly enough, there was a short break on Saturday so that I could be present at my granddaughter's name party. Then it was enough to cough a little discre into the napkin. No one noticed anything until just before I was going home, then it broke out again and it has continued ever since.

And then there is this "old energy" that thinks it needs me so desperately and calls out for me; "we need you... we need you!" And today it seems that I have finally managed to let go, but I first had to see that it was I myself who chose to hold on. Suddenly I saw it, and I understood that the time had come to let go, and by that I mean primarily the energetic binding. I've been feeling uneasy for a while now, actually the last couple of months, and it's been a bit foggy. I could feel the binding but without quite being able to understand how to break free, and when I tried to resist, I felt that I was only even more stuck.

And then it was simply about clarity. About going inward and connecting with my own source, my own clarity, and being really willing to go in there. Then came the clarity I needed, to let go, and the clarity to do what needed to be done. And then do it with the clarity that was needed.

Now there was a lot of clarity here, but that's how it is, it's about clarity.

In any case, this caused the cries of the old energy to stop and I could feel the freedom. And right now, it is like I don't know anything forwards, and I'm just letting it be. Just now I want to be present right here and now and in deep contact with myself. I feel it's a good place to be.

The mind is calm and I feel peace, although I can also feel that today's events have set things in motion in my body, so the next few days will be interesting to observe.